Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Modification of the Weather

The Benefit of Weather Modification, The Fact:

The benefits of weather modification against climate change and global warming

 In 2003 (“Scientific American magazine”) reported an interesting article as partly quoted as follows:

{“ Far more shrinking of earth green-land surfaces with the consequences of lower relative humidity in the atmosphere can give even higher affect for fewer Cumulonimbus, the rain clouds, to naturally form up. Climate scientists, with the aid of diving robots probing the world’s warming seas, have found the heat exchange between Earth and space is seriously out of balance – what the researchers called a
“ smoking gun ” discovery that validates forecasts of global warming.”

“ It is reported that average globe temperature will rise approx. 0.6 degree C this century as the result of greenhouse effect which has been built up by human-made gases even if these gases are capped tomorrow. Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University’s Earth Institute also said that “ there can no longer be genuine doubt that human-made gases are the dominant cause of observed global warming. This energy imbalance is the smoking gun we have been looking for.”}

( Now in 2012 the average global temparature has already risen certainly in some degrees as we all can experience. )

Normally, clouds especially Cirrus and some other middle clouds also play its roles in helping to cool down Earth as they reflect sunlight. This means that without enough of them earth’s atmosphere can be a lot warmer. Dry season can be prolonged and that there can be even more destructions caused by severe storm - hail storms which form up due to extremely warm heat low pressure fueled by high relative humidity and strong sun.
When drought hits various parts of the world its fresh water sources consequently reduced causing further ecological imbalanced to most rivers and waterways which yield more fresh water shortage in the dry season. Besides, forests would become too dry and that forest fire has higher tendency to be even more severe and can get out of control. In this case Earth’s watersheds are more destroyed as well as more greenhouse gas are added.

One among many other scientific ways that can do some partly very good little help to the mother-nature in reducing the impact of these situations is the application of “weather modification” which is known as rain making in a simpler term. Besides directly adding more rain water, enhancing precipitation, and creating much more larger clouds to help cool down the Earth, in a big picture, weather modification can certainly, more or less, balance the atmospheric pressure conditions as well as creating better nature and environments of healthier geography of mountains, forests, rivers, oceans, and living things of some certain parts of the world for us to live in peacefully. A country with good nature and environment can boost good GDP and can be a good place for people to live in happily - GDH, especially in a way of sufficiency economy and in harmony.

Also by modifying the weather for more rain over the forests for better and larger green areas enhancing more healthy forests in the tropical regions can, far more and in a long term, genuinely help cool down the earth atmosphere fighting with global warming, as well as cutting down too high rate of water evaporation, as healthy forests release water by transferring it onto the sky which repeatedly creating suitably and appropriately more clouds and rains balancing the entire nature.

It is also a prestige that in the Kingdom of Thailand the country has taken part and engaged in this advanced scientific experiments and solid operations of weather modification, recognized by the World Meteorology Organization, for more than forty years.

Rain making always requires genuine precision when working on the tasks. Basically, for rain making all small things should be counted and taken caution, such as when rain making operation is engaged every time aircrafts fuel are burned, not just the expenses, but also it adds little more greenhouse gas of CO2 to the atmosphere. In addition, one can avoid wasting energy and costs in producing as well as delivering, transporting, and handling of the rain making substances used in certain weather modification operations. Therefore, in general, it is only when the water sheds and the soils need and can absorb more water, then rain making is normally done only, and immediately, when weather condition in general is reasonably favorable to be modified with high precision strictly according to certain applied theory and techniques of rain making, to make even more certain that it shall always yield worth results.

 Now to make the rain making worth even more, up stream check dams wherever suitable, possible, and practical should and can be built in most forests which they finally feed all bigger reservoirs and dams.

When we make sure that we have a healthy rainy season by means of weather modification as when it is necessary then we would certainly have a healthy environment and healthy nation.


●● How clouds counteract global warming.
The latest study and research 2019-2020.
Click below:

●●● Why rainmaking, Royal Rainmaking? Plesse click below:

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